

Hello there, I’m Vincent Wutthisit Brabandt


  • Age 19, born in Germany, raised in Thailand
  • Able to speak three languages
    • English (fluent)
    • Thai (intermediate)
    • German (basic)
  • High tech literacy
    • basic programming skills
    • taken apart, repaired & broke lots of computers
    • can fix things without asking other people
  • Well-verse in Cultures, History & Politics
  • A Musician
    • basic understanding of music theory
    • able to play guitar (& other instruments too)


Name: Vincent Wutthisit Brabandt

Age: 19 years old Birthdate: 25/02/2005
Birthplace: Hamburg, Germany
Nationalities: German & Thai

I was born in Germany (lived there from 2005 to 2009), later moved to Thailand, and then returned to Germany in 2017 for education.

My father, Joern Brabandt, was a well-respected computer engineer (that’s what my family says; I honestly don’t really know what my father did; the respected part is true though), and because of him, I had gained a lot of knowledge about computers, which made me very tech literate; sadly, he had passed away before he could teach me all of his knowledge.

Back in Thailand, my father and I had a hobby room where he taught me, robotics, soldering, 3D printing, RC-Place/Drone building/flying & a lot more.

My father was a musician, and so am I. We were musicians/music fanatics. My family sent me to music school, where I studied Classical, Electrical & Bass Guitar, and Piano, I have been called on multiple occasions as “one of the best” (or even “the best”) musicians at school by Teachers and Friends at the schools that I had attended, as of now, because I have less access to and freedom in Germany to pursue music, I have decided to mainly focus on guitar.

My family also owned an animal farm with horses back in Thailand, though it’s basically defunct now.

Life in Germany was/has been depressing at best. My mom and I moved to Germany in 2017, right after my father’s death. I hadn’t thought much of his death, and I definitely overestimated myself in my ability to adapt to German society. For 7 years, despite having German blood and a German family, I have struggled to find my place here. My life here kind of feels like the novel Der Prozess (The Trial) by Franz Kafka (hopefully that’s not much of an exaggeration). I have wasted 7 years of my childhood, but I’m still here trying to get my life together. It’s slow, but at least I’m progressing.

Hopefully I’m going to soon study computer programming (at a specific school; still not confirmed), but I also have interests in Culture, Politics, Diplomacy & Civil service. My hopes are that while I study programming, I could part-time study Political Science or International Relations and get myself a degree. I confess my dream job is actually becoming a famous musician. If I had the chance to study Music I would take it, but because of my lack of Abitur degree, It’s rather hard for me to enter university (at least in Germany).

If I can’t become a famous musician, I wish to start a tech company & a record label/distributor with fairness and opportunity at its core.