
Welcome to my new site!

Hello there, Welcome to my new personal blog

Why did I create this site?

I intended to create this site as an experiment and as a way to express myself without relying on social media, most social media sites in my opinion are no longer designed for long posts any more.

Why did I choose GitHub pages + Jekyll instead of another service?

Well firstly, I confess I can’t afford a personal domain yet, so that explains why I’m using GitHub pages (plus I really like the openness of GitHub/Open-source).

I admit I have no experience at UI design (& I’m sorry, but I don’t want to ever get into HTML/CSS), I just want a simple blog style site with a minimalist/utilitarian kinda feel, but I found Squarespace/Wix to be designed more for portfolios and businesses, I once had a WordPress site, but I didn’t enjoy its editor.

My plan is I will my make blog with GitHub Pages and one day I will make a portfolio/CV website on either Squarespace or Wix.

What to expect?

I don’t have a plan planned out, but I’ve been thinking of writing about:

  • Personal life
    • Love of Capybaras
  • Music
    • Album/Song reviews/analyses
    • Musical equipment usage/review
    • Music production
  • Films/TV Shows
    • Film reviews/analyses
    • TV Shows reviews/analyses
    • Anime reviews/analyses
  • Video Games
    • Video Game reviews/analyses
  • Computer stuff
    • Computer hardware repair/maintenance
    • Computers (parts & equipment) reviews
    • Operating System reviews
    • Programming
    • Game Console stuff (also maybe)

Are things here open-source?

Answer is most will be, but I’m still learning about licences and I will probably keep some stuff (such as photos/audio) copyrighted, but if you need anything from a post then feel free to ask for permission.

A note on commenting

I just found out that I can allow commenting on the site, but I’ve decided to turn it off for now, but will probably enable it later

This post is licensed under CC BY 4.0 by the author.